Common Questions
How do you choose the families?
We accept families that were referred by the official social services and then we meet them face to face before qualifying them for assistance.
How do you determine the monthly amount a family is eligible to receive on your site?
Currently all families eligible to receive up to a monthly fixed amount of Shekels equal to $200.
Why only families in Israel and not worldwide?
Israel is only the beginning, more countries will follow.
How do you know what the families are doing with the money?
Families receive 100% of your monthly support in the form of food stamps, freeing their current income for other urgent needs.
Are you in contact with families regularly?
Yes. We maintain contact with the social services and the families themselves on a regular basis.
Can I be in touch with the families I support (adopt)?
Currently no, but we are working on it so stay tuned.
How can you give 100% of contributions to needy families? How do you sustain your operational costs?
All operational costs are supported directly by donations from foundations and individual supporters. 100% of your money goes directly to families in need, all other costs and fees are on us.
Will my donation be tax-deductible?
US donations will receive a tax deductible receipt from American Support for Israel, Inc., a 501(c)(3) US public charity that supports charitable organizations in Israel.
Why does it say “America Gives” on my receipt and not “ClearGiving”?
Since your donations go to families in Israel, we partner with America Gives, an American non-profit organization, to ensure your donation is tax deductible in the US. America Gives processes the payment, transfers it to ClearGiving, and then issues you a tax receipt for the full amount of your donation.
In what cities are you helping
We are currently in 20 cities in israel. Holon, Jerusalem, Dimona, Bat Yam, Or Yehoda, Ofakim, Beit Shemesh, Yeruham, Rehovot, Sderot, Qiryat Gat, Elad, Ashkelon, Rishon Lezion, Ashdod, Yavne, Azor, Imanoel, Yokneam, Qiryat Dimona
When was ClearGiving founded, and by who?
ClearGiving was founded in 2020 by Oren Dobronsky, a high tech entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience in the world of Hi-tech and investment. ClearGiving was founded out of necessity, with Oren personally convicted in assisting the weaker sectors of Israel’s population on one hand, while on the other hand seeking to make the donation process simpler and more transparent. By utilizing existing technologies, ClearGiving is enabling anyone to select families from our website and make donations directly to them, while 100% of your donation is transferred in full to those families, in the form of food vouchers.
How often does ClearGiving take on new families?
We add families all the times
Does the number of children in each household play a factor in ClearGiving’s approved process?
The number of children in any given household does not play a factor in our approval process or their eligibility for financial support.
How can I go about making a donation to cover ClearGiving’s operating expenses?
If you have an interest in helping defray the costs of ClearGiving’s operational expenses,
Is it possible to donate clothing, shoes, or appliances through ClearGiving?
For now, ClearGiving is solely focused on providing monetary donations in the form of food vouchers, something that allows us direct oversight of the process. Regretfully, for the time being we are unable to open up additional avenues of donations for needy families, the vast importance of donating clothing, shoes, etc, notwithstanding.
How can I volunteer in the organization?
ClearGiving does not currently operate an auxiliary volunteer program, but we would be happy for you to follow us on social networking platforms (Facebook, Instagram) where we would post any future volunteer opportunities.
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